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( Proprietor )
Location : Aurangabad MH
Call : +91 9325237207

Product Information

Pneumatic Fittings and PU Tube

Pneumatic Fittings and PU Tube

Skytech Engineers Company has established itself as a leading manufacturer, supplier and trader of superior quality Pneumatics PU Tube in the market at present.
Brand: Pneumax
Detailed Description

Skytech Engineers Company has established itself as a leading manufacturer, supplier and trader of superior quality Pneumatics PU Tube in the market at present. These wonderful and widely applicable products from our side come in metric and inch size fittings and are available in a wide variety of sizes, body styles and thread types. The specially designed packing provides positive sealing under pressure without the reduced flow common with compression fittings.


  • Thread type
  • Compression fittings
  • Perfect finish

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